Click Here PC Myths Debunked - Know the Real Facts in thr cyber World

Saturday 24 March 2012

The online storage service is not just for developers. You can use it as a cheap online backup location for all your important files.

Amazon S3
Back up data using an
affordable cloud service
Amazon S3 is an online storage service where youonly pay for the space you use.

If you are looking for a simple,
inexpensive online Web storage service,
opt for Amazon S3. Contrary to the
popular belief, this service from Amazon
is not just for developers. It is equally
useful for home users. It can be used to
store your data like music fi les, videos,
pictures etc or you can use it to back up
your local hard drive. Instead of folders,
there are buckets in which you can store
your fi les. You have to select a region
where you wish to store the bucket.
Amazon S3 is available in US Standard,
EU (Ireland), US West (Northern
California), Asia Pacifi c (Singapore), and
Asia Pacifi c (Tokyo) regions. Select the
region closest to you so that you can
save time and minimize cost. You can
retrieve the fi les saved in the bucket via a
unique developer assigned key. Amazon
S3 is also very cost eff ective, as it
functions on the policy that you pay only
for what you consume.


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