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Saturday 24 March 2012

Adjust font size in the Firefox menu


Adjust font size in the Firefox
UserChrome.css allows you to change font sizes inthe Firefox interface.

You can increase the font size
of the file menu items and reduce
the font size of the bookmarks if you
fi nd it to be too large. Firefox uses the
Windows default settings, so you could
increase the DPI value of the system font
size. Alternatively, you can customize
the required settings by creating a
'userChrome.css' file instead. You can
find the sample file at ‘C:\Documents and
Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\
Mozilla\Firefox\Profi les\j53h8g9g.default\
chrome'. For example, to set the font size
to 20 px for all elements of the Firefox
interface, add the line '* {font-size: 20pt
!important}'. You can also edit individual
elements, but for that, you will have to
locate the correct CSS selectors. For
more samples of CSS codes, visit : http://


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