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Saturday 24 March 2012

Configure multifunctional homepage

Chrome 4.x onwards

In Chrome, the automatically generated
selection for new tabs is really
practical. Still, you can customize the
homepage in the browser for quick
selection and other functions. A free
Chrome extension called Incredible
Startpage helps you confi gure your
Chrome homepage.
Incredible Startpage allows you to customize theGoogle Chrome homepage.

You can customize Chrome to your
liking with the free Incredible Startpage
extension, which you can easily fi nd
online. Once you reach the extensions
page, confirm the installation and allow

access to personal data by clicking
‘Install’. Now open a new tab. To the left,
you will see a list of the last closed tabs
as well as the bookmarks. To the right,
the large fi eld off ers a quick selection for
a specifi c folder of bookmarks. To change
the displayed contents, navigate to the
desired bookmark folder, and click ‘Show
as main’ button at the base of the dialog.
Other bookmarks can also be added to
the right via drag-and-drop.


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